Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jaipur Trip

I have to travel a lot for my work and I absolutely love that. I work for Oracle in their Corporate Social Responsibility department which is also know as Oracle Academy. I am a instructor and have to travel to different parts of the country to teach teachers from schools and colleges.

Just last month I got the opportunity to travel to Jaipur, Rajasthan for a training. Jaipur in December is brutal. The temperature down there was just 8 degrees. The training was in one of the leading universities of India, Amity University which is 50kms outside of Jaipur city. The temperature inside the campus was just 3 degrees and I had a hard time dealing with it.

I was completely covered from head to toe. The only thing visible was my face. I don't like cold weather at all and it was really hard for me to face such a harsh climate.

The training was very successful. The teachers were enthusiastic as well as very keen to learn. I was staying inside the campus of Amity University, Jaipur and it is a very beautiful campus.

Jaipur itself is a beautiful place filled with palaces and history. I went to Jaipur a day early to see all the famous palaces. The first palace that I saw was Amber Fort. The architecture, art and culture was over flowing from everywhere.

I also visited a very interesting place called "Chokhi Dhani". This is a place where you can experience the culture of Rajasthan in one place. The food, dance and music all put in one place for tourists to enjoy.

Just before returning to Mumbai, I again went on a tour of Jaipur city. This time I went to the Jaigad Fort which is very adjacent to the Amber Fort and also equally beautiful.

The only suggestion I would give to anyone going to Jaipur for holidays is that do not go on package tours because they do not give any time to actually enjoy the palaces. It is much better to hire a taxi for a day and go around sight seeing on your own. 

Laqa&Co fat lip pencil, Palate Cleanser review

I received my January 2015 fab bag with a lots of interesting products. One product in particular caught my attention was a fat lip pencil by Laqa&Co. I was not actually expecting the lip pencil to be very good. But boy was I wrong. 

As soon as I put it on my lips, I was blown away.  I got the color "Palate Cleanser" which is a dark maroon color. I don't how fab bag knew that I am a fan of dark color lipstick because I am a little obsessed with the color. 


The color looks great on me at least or so I think it does. It is also very pigmented and long lasting. Yesterday I had applied this on my lips and couldn't get it off with a tissue paper. I could only remove it with a make up remover. The lip pencils are available in three more shades on

The shades that are available on the website are Doppleganger, Jammy Bastard and Siren Song. There are two sizes available i.e. 3gms for INR 800 and 4gms for INR1,5000.

I will give a 4 out 5 stars to this product only because I like matte lipsticks more than the shiny ones. But that's me and my choices. It also has mint in it so when you apply it your lips feel very cold. Also it is moisturising which is great for the dry winter we are having in Mumbai.

It is definitely a very good purchase for the price. The only negative thing that I have to report is the plastic packaging which makes it look like a cheap product. I was very sceptical to try it on also but then you know what they say, you should never judge a book by its cover.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Big Girl!!!

No I am not going to talk about the Danielle Steel book here(which coincidentally is the book I am reading right now). I wanted to write this blog because I saw Eat, Pray, Love yesterday. One of my favorite scenes from the movie is where Julia Robert says  'I am having a relationship with my Pizza' while hungrily having a huge pizza.

I relate to what she says very strongly. I have been trying to lose weight since I can remember. I have reduced like around 10 kgs but still I do not feel completely beautiful or satisfied. I am so tired of ignoring or resisting food just because I don't want to the weight again. That doesn't mean I want to hog like a pig and be an obese. I just want to marvel food and enjoy it and not worry about the calories. I am so done with the guilt.

Trying hard not to get DESPERATE!

I was watching a clip from Sex and the City on youtube the other day. In that clip Carrie says when a guy stands under a girl’s window and plays violin or says that he is missing her it always sounds so cute and romantic. But imagine a girl doing the same thing. Standing under a guy’s window and throwing stones at it just to say ‘I miss you’ or call 10 times a day to just hear his voice, sounds kind of desperate. Right?

I don’t know why, but it does sound kind of desperate. If you do this with a guy, then you can say good bye to the relationship once for all. He will never call you back again. And it is not like I don’t think it is desperate. I think it is desperate too. This is the saddest part of it. We girls also think that it doesn’t look good to express our true feelings all the time especially when the relationship is in its initial phase.

You know how my thought process goes (and this is when the relationship is initial and I don't want to show my true colors). When I call my guy and he doesn’t pick up I stay calm and wait for his call. I give myself a good two hours before I give another call to him. I don’t send SMS. I stay CALM. Then I try to make myself busy in work or start reading a book. This helps me to forget about the call for quite some time. Then, when I remember that he hasn’t called yet, I send a casual message just to check if he is busy or not. If he replies, it is good and if he doesn’t, then I start thinking it is over with this guy.

I have been told that this is not a mature way to handle things. So I rethink about leaving the guy just because he didn't call back. When he does call back I try my level best to sound casual like I was not even thinking about his call. So much thought process go into this silly thing. Another very immature thing I start planning is taking revenge on him. I think of making him suffer exactly how I was suffering. 

It is tough being a girl in this world and even tougher to be a girl with attitude. I think instead of thinking whether he would call or not I should get a life. LOL….